Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone else have LO's that wake out of habit? How to fix??

My LO is 11.5 weeks old.  Starting at about 8 weeks, we were getting about 5-6 hours out of the first stretch of sleep at night.  The last week, she has been only sleeping 3 the first stretch and then she is up every 1.5 hours the rest of the night!!  She isn't hungry, I think she is just waking out of habit.  I can usually give her the pacifier and she goes back to sleep within 10 or 15 minutes.  How do I break this?  Any ideas?
TTC Since 2/09... BFP 12/26/09 - Missed miscarriage (6 weeks), D&C 1/28/10, BFP 4/23/10 - Miscarriage (18 wks 4 days) due to Turner's Syndrome, Delivered Lyla Ann on 7/29/10, BFP 12/10/10 - Natural miscarriage (5 weeks 6 days) 12/23/10, BFP 2/2/11 - EDD: 10/15/11 - Stick baby stick!!
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