Babies: 0 - 3 Months

dry face

My LO's face always seems dry. We even have a build in humidifier in our heat pump but he's still dry. In the mornings I wash with a washcloth, no soap. Bath time we were using Johnson's Head and Toe and pedi said that's probably causing the drying and to use just regular Dove. Well it seems even worse with the dove so going to just stop using soap at all on his face... I put Eucerin (sp?) on his face at least twice a day. Still dry....

Any recommendations????

Started TTC - 01/2009 1st BFP - 09/04/09,1st u/s - 10/06/09- no heartbeat seen, D&E - 10/13/09 BFP #2 - 2/12/10, m/c 2/17/10 BFP #3 - 01/03/11 m/c 01/10/11 BFP #4 - 02/21/11 DS born 10/13/2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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