2nd Trimester

Question for the Experienced Mommies, 'Sonographer/US Pros-if you're out there?

When I had my 16 week ultrasound done (almost 4 weeks ago now), the sonographer did something I've kinda been thinking twice about & wanted to get fellow opinions.

When she was trying to look for the gender, & the baby wasn't 'cooperating' to where she could tell 'easily'. She'd bounce the u/s hand held thing in/out on my uterus area to make the baby move - is this a common practice? Something anyone else has experienced? Could this harm the baby? Just would like to know for future reference, b/c after doing some research & watching fellow u/s videos on youtube I haven't seen anything similar & after watching my u/s video tonight I noticed how much her bouncing the hand held device on my uterus actually moved the sac, kinda concerned. This is my first baby, so kinda going into this experience blind. But if this is something that shouldn't be done, I would like to know so I can request a different sonographer if need be.


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