2nd Trimester

Stress and Hormones (a husband vent)

Particularly, DH's stress and my hormones do not mix.  He's freaked out about a project that I asked him to do months ago, about how it's going to work out for next weekend.  I wasn't particularly worried about it, but he is going through every worst case scenario, and is mad at me for not thinking through the details of each such scenario, and assuming that I would call him and ask him to come rescue me, requiring him to leave work, which has been crazy for him lately.

After sitting through 15 minutes of him telling me how he doesn't appreciate my lack of foresight, I felt myself losing it, and told him I needed to walk away for a few minutes.  He must like meltdowns, because he NEVER lets me leave to cool off when I know I need to do so!  And so, here I sit, a pile of  emotional waste, for no particularly good reason.  It didn't have to come to crying and screaming, but nooooooo...


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