2nd Trimester

SUA - Single Umbilical Artery

Also posted on High-Risk Pregnancy

Hello - At my anatomy scan the u/s tech informed us that my LO has a single artery in her umbilical cord, as oppose to two arteries. 

The Dr that came in to explain the situation to us was not my regular Dr, I was at a different office that had the Level II u/s machine. The Dr just said that they'd monitor the growth of the baby, paying special attention to the heart and kidneys.

I go back for another anatomy u/s in a couple of weeks and have my normal OB appt this coming week.

From what I've read online (March of Dimes & What to Expect) the outcome can range from a normal healthy baby to congenital heart defects and/or kidney issues.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can you tell me if your prenatal care changed and what the outcome was?


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