Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Has to move

Our 10 wk old has to be moving.....what I mean is he has to be either rocking in his RnP, bounced, going for a car ride, walked around the list goes on. He will fall asleep with in mins or if he is not asleep he will be content. This normally happens between the hrs of 4pm-8pm.( which I know is primetime for colic, which I do think he is) The rest of the day he is ok. He does sleep in this RnP at night with out being rocked, or he will sleep next to me. I just dont know what to do. He seems to get so worked up at times. I have checked everything else, hes not hungry, he doesnt need a diaper change, no strings or hairs around his fingers, he does have reflux/gas but this doesnt seem like his gas cry.....Im trying to stimulate him during the day but am careful not to over stimulate him. I dunno what to do. This has just been a recent thing too like with the last couple days.

Anyone else


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