Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone have a tummy sleeper?

DD has reflux and prefers to sleep on her stomach.  I'm super uncomfortable letting her do this but the last two days, I've let her take naps on her stomach in her crib and she's slept so well.  However, I'm so nervous about it that I check on her literally every 5 minutes.  She doesn't sleep well at night unless we are holding her.  Whenever we go to lay her down (on her back) she wakes up and will not go back down.  When I've been making the transition from holding her to putting her on her tummy, she does fine. 

My question is what do you do to get over the fear of SIDS?  I worry about everything so of course I would get a baby that prefers to sleep on their tummy.  Go figure!

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