Single Parents

F**k it. Here I am.

I'm pretty sure I've created and AE in the past and posted here however I don't even remember that sn. Go me. It is what it is and things are done now with H and I so it doesn't really matter anyway. I'll try to make this as short as possible. Here is a current summary of all the bs in my life.

DH has a problem with addiction. Perscription pills, alcohol, and "legal weed". You can buy this weed in a deli, true story. He was also diagnosed as bi-polar and manic deppressive which he refuses to get help with. STBXH's parent's have problems with addiction (among other things) as well and have been nothing but a detriment to their son and our marriage from the start. H left at the start of the month and I decided to grow a pair and leave a few days after instead of sitting around and waiting for him to come back. Since then I've filed an OOP (H liked to tear up the house when he was mad or high) and have been served with papers from him requesting visitation and joint custody. I've also been served by his parents requesting weekend visitation. Can you imagine? And they work in the court system. Considering they can't pass a drug test I have no idea wtf they are thinking.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that for now. Believe it or not it was like therapy for me just to write that all down. I've kept this inside from everyone for much too long. Luckily I have a very supportive family and am just trying to get my life back on track.

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