2nd Trimester

Shower Committee

My poor sister.  Being out of town, she sort of got gipped out of the bridal shower planning when my SIL jumped in.  I told sis that she would get to do my baby shower her way, and she's excited.  That said, she's still out of town, and a friend here has offered to host, and is collecting ideas for food and themes.  Another friend also offered. 

My solution?  A committee.

So sister is President, and it will be held at 1st friend's home, who will also do the food spread.  2nd friend is in charge of games.  That leaves Sis with managing these two committee members' tasks, along with handling invitations.  Sis is excited, but still nervous that she'll be totally left out again. All 3 girls are totally level-headed, and both the friends know that it is important to sis, so I think it'll be okay.  They've been communicating to set a date already.  We want to find something small to delegate to SIL, so that she feels like she's involved, but won't be a risk for overtaking the endeavor.

Anything else I can do?   I know it's silly; it's my shower, but sis and I are very close, and it would bring her a lot of joy to feel like she gave me a great shower for this milestone.

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