Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Switcing formula for relux - what to try?

LO was diagnosed with reflux a few weeks ago and put on Axid, which seems to help some, but not enough IMO. He still spits up a ton, all day long, and even hours after feeds. He cries/screams during some feedings and arches his back, and just seems fussy. He has been on Target's Up and Up equivalent of Similac Advance... but we are also having to give prune juice for constipation, gas drops for gas, and rice cereal to thicken the formula as well (all rec'd by pedi). I just feel like there's nothing about this formula that is working for LO(other than the fact that he's still gaining) and I want to try him on something else. Should we try a sensitive formula? Which one? Or soy?  I just don't know how to decide what to try. How long would you give it to see if it makes a difference? TIA for any advice!
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