Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Experience with Paragard IUD?

Weighing my IUD options...

I went off all forms of hormonal birth control ~2 years ago in an experiment to stop my twice weekly migraines. It worked! (Mostly) So I'm hesitant to go on anything with hormones, so I've been leaning towards the Paragard IUD. But I've been hearing bad reviews of having really heavy, really crampy periods, and that makes me nervous.

Then again, the Mirena IUD only has progesterone, not estrogen, which is 99% the likely cause of my migraines. And I hear that you get lighter periods, which eventually may go away.

So I'm torn about what to do. Anyone have any experience? I could try Mirena, but if I'm getting migraines, it's not going to be fun to have to go back, and get it removed to have the Paragard put in, I'd rather just make a decision and stick to it.

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