Babies: 0 - 3 Months

"babying" baby too much?

So a girl at work has an 8 month old little girl.  She was 8.5lbs when she was born.  We were talking and she asked me if I was still holding Lily to feed her (she'll be 3mths next week).  I said "of course".  She can't hold her own bottle.  Now I don't cradle her all the time, sometimes I put her on my lap with her facing me and feed her her bottle with one hand free for me to drink coffee.  She also told me that she was giving her daughter juice/water mixture at 3 months and she started her on stage 1 baby food around 3.5 months.  I thought that was really early, but she said her daughter was just a fast pace baby.  She was sitting up at 3 months, unsupported 4 months... now at 8 mths shes on the verge of walking. 

Am I baby"ing" my baby too much?  We don't hold her too much, we make sure she spends time in her bouncy and swing.  And we do work with her every day as far as tummy time, etc.  Or is her baby just really advanced?

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