Upstate NY Babies

s/o inappropriate XMas gifts

I was gonna post this down below, but I think its so outrageous, it needed its own post. 

Backstory - when  I was in sixth grade, my mom gave me my first training "bra" for Christmas - it was caught on video Christmas morning, and was all very mortifying for myself as an 11 year old, and even if I watch the video now, I am embarrassed for my 11 year old self. Its a running family joke these day though.Flash forward to this year. My sister tells me that my mom bought 3 pairs of matching underwear/bra sets for my 11 year old niece and wrapped them for Xmas, and then didn't give her any other gifts. AND - she spent over $80 on them because she bought them at Justice (a tweeny fashion store). Note - my niece has no boobs yet - according to my sis, all she has is a barely noticeable bee sting on one side - lolTo make this all worse. The bras are PADDED (removable pads). For an 11 year old.  So my sister isn't watching my niece as she opens the present, but sees her quickly open and then shut the box. She asks my niece what she got and my niece quickly replies "Ill show you later when Uncle J isn't here" (my brother).  THEN, as my niece is getting dressed for the day, she pulls out one of the new panties to wear, and my mom says "Niece, what about the bra?" and my sis says "Ma, she doesn't need to wear the the bra" and then my mom says "well then she can't wear the panties, she won't match" and my sister looks at my mom incredulously and says "she's 11, she's not having sex. she doesn't need to match!"Anyways, I am glad I wasn't around for that. I have several thoughts.1. We ALL remember how embarrassing it was for me to get the bra at nieces age, why on earth would my mom do that again?!2. Why are any children's stores selling padded bras for 11 year olds?

3. I never match my bra and panties - and neither does my sis - LOL who cares.   

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