Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sex ?

So my 6 week PP apt. is coming up and I expect the doctor to give me the thumbs up to resume all normal activity. Sex included.

My husband has been chomping at the bit and has made comments and passes about having sex, but i told him we had to wait till the doctor gave me the ok. (its been awhile since we actually have had sex)

I on the other hand feel very anxious and nervous. Like this is our first time together. Between the extra pounds, exhaustion, stretch marks, leaky boobs and fear of things not working/feeling the same "down there" I'm not feeling very sexy.

How did you ladies over come these feelings (if you had them) and how do I handle the leaky boobs? Dont think it will be very enjoyable for us to be covered in milk! lol

Plus I had a very large baby which left me with tearing and stitches  so Im worried about the pain factor as well.

ugh. maybe i am just over thinking this whole thing but i would like my husband and I to be able to regain the intimacy in our relationship. 

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