Upstate NY Babies

Weekend plans?

I know we already did a NYE plans post but what else is going on this weekend?

Tonight: Dinner at my parents.  One of my Aunts & Uncles that we don't see often are going to be there so they can meet Audrey.  Early to bed, last night was not fun, I was up almost every hour with Miss Gassy Butt (Audrey).

Saturday: Out to breakfast, grocery shopping.  While DH takes care of the groceries and the girls I'm (finally!) going to get a haircut and do a little shopping at Bath & Body Works with my gift card + they're big after xmas sale.  DH is taking Stella to the hockey game and then we'll have some champagne and take the tree down after the girls are in bed.

Sunday & Monday: NOTHING.  Eating, watching football, relaxing as a family.  I'll have to do some laundry, too, I suppose.

Have a great weekend ladies and Happy New Year!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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