Babies: 0 - 3 Months


How do I make my baby poop?!?! Today will be day three no poop. I know they say it's fine to not have a BM for a few days when FF but he is pushing so hard right now and you can tell he is in pain. We have been haveing gas problems and I started useing little tummys two days ago and it doesn't seem to be helping. He has his one month check up today but I cantwait till then. He just seems soooo uncomfortable right now.
1064-1 bouncebounce Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since June 2009 BFP April 2010 .. miscarriage May 2011 BFP March 25th 2011 Ryan Michael was born 11/30/11 6lbs 0.4 oz 18 inches long!!!
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