2nd Trimester

NBR: Feel good story I wanted to share

My husband is adopted. His biological mother was only 16 when she conceived him and his biological father was only 15. The adoption was closed, and he has never had any contact with is biological family. He was raised by wonderful parents, and has told me since we met that he is not curious about his birth parents.

While we were visiting his parents over the holidays his mother came to us and gave us a letter that was written to him by his biological grandmother on December 2nd, 1982 (the day after he was born). She had been keeping it for all these years.

I was so scared for him to read the letter. I was terrified that the letter would say something bad or hurtful, but I have to tell you that it was absolutely beautiful. I sobbed uncontrollably for a long time after reading it. My pregnancy hormones are out of control as it is, and that just sent me over the edge. 

In the letter his grandmother told him the story of the day he was born, how their family made the decision to give him up for adoption, exactly why they chose adoption, the effect letting him go had on them and finally...how much they loved him. It was so beautiful and I was so very happy for my husband that he was able to read those words and know for absolute certain that he was loved by his biological family.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that. It made me feel so good. It was honestly the highlight of my Christmas.


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