2nd Trimester

NBR: 17 Days with the In-Laws...I Survived. :) (longish)

DH and I just got home from our holiday visit with the in-laws in Maryland.

12 hours there in a car with 1 senior dog, 1 puppy and 1 cat (and stopping every 1-1.5 hours to pee due to pregnant bladder) followed by 17 days staying with my MIL & FIL (MIL took off work the entire time we were there) and then 12 hours back.

Add to that a few trips to church where people I've never met wanted to touch my stomach way too much, an awkward relationship with BIL & SIL, MIL being a serious hoarder, 2 teacup Yorkies that never stop barking AND pregnancy hormones and that explains the last 17 days of my life. 

I'm proud to report that everyone made it out alive and I have never been so happy to be home in all my life. It's funny though that when we got home I had literally been away for SO long that my house looked totally weird.  Haha!

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