Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: please help- insurance question

My son was covered under my insurance at the hosptial and we also added him to DH's right away since he was in NICU. None of the NICU doctors at the hosptial were considered in-network for me, so my insurance only paid 40%. We obviously didn't have a choice about the NICU doctors, whoever was on call took care of him. The hospital is on my plan, just not the group of NICU doctors.

Long story short, we could get billed several thousands of dollars just for the doctors alone. My question is, since my insurance only paid 40%, can we file a claim under my husband's as well? He's going to call tomorrow, but I'm already stressing out about this. We worked for years to build up savings and this has the potential to put a HUGE dent in it.

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