Single Parents

Huge sigh of relief....I was granted my OFP!

Today I had my Order for Protection evidentiary hearing. I was so nervous and represented myself. STBXH obviously did a lot of research because he had a lot of demeaning questions and could have thrown me off but my DA advocate told me I responded perfectly. I told my story exactly as it had happened.

STBXH had the nerve to swear on the stand and LIE about everything. He basically told the court I made the entire thing up and all the evidence pictures I did myself and was attempting to frame him. I was completely astonished. Coming from a man who claims to be a "devout christian and a man of God" he couldn't have made himself look like a bigger fool to me. I begin to hate him more and more every day. He is literally the fakest person I have ever met.

We also both came to a temporary custody agreement until our divorce is finalized (which follows most of my wants from the very beginning). I have temporary sole custody. While he is in the workhouse he will get one visit a month with our son and only if his Grandmother is coming to visit as she will be the okay'd supervisor. It must be on a weekend and visits usually last 1 hour. After he is released from jail he gets one visit a week. Supervised and for 4 hours. Must be on a Saturday or Sunday and he is required to take a breathalizer before every visit which is reported to me. It's an inconvenience to him since he will have to drive 30 minutes away from his visiting place to do it and he has no license. He wanted two days a week but I wouldn't budge. I did up his visit from 3 hours to 4.

In the end they found my evidence sufficient enough to grant me the OFP which is valid for a full 2 years. I was shaking and nearly in tears the entire time but I held myself together and it paid off. I could not have been happier with how things turned out. It's about time he got a slap in the face and I won in one situation! I'm glad that both my babies and myself are safe for the time being.

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