2nd Trimester

I think perhaps I'm being a hormonal mess ...

but does anyone else fear gender disappointment in OTHER people? I know that sometimes moms can feel gender disappointment, but do any of you feel like you're going to disappoint other people depending on the sex of your LO?

My mom (and sister, best friend, and best friends mom - my 2nd mom) are desperately hoping for a girl.

DH's family are desperately hoping for a boy.

DH said he wants a boy, but won't be disappointed if it's a girl because it's his baby and he will love them regardless. (I think he wants a boy to do father/son things, which I can't blame him for.)

So....I almost feel like no matter WHAT this LO turns out to be, I will be disappointing someone. I know that this baby will be loved tremendously by both sides (first grandbaby) no matter the gender. I also sometimes feel like they're projecting what they want this baby to be and I feel so much pressure to make everyone 'happy.' 

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