Upstate NY Babies

My FB has been filled with holiday custody misery

Ever wonder how people go from caring so much about another person to  have children with them to ranting about sharing custody with them on FB?  I unfriended a few random ppl I went to HS with because of constant negativity I was just sick of seeing.  Do they forget that their children share this person as a parent?  I just don't get it, not that people grow apart and such, but the amount of hate and bitterness that they just can't seem to get over for the sake of their young children.  There seemed to be a 10 fold increase in the spitefull custody comments this past week.

I just checked my FB to find a link to a page set up to accept PayPal donations for a mother and her son to cover legal expenses in her custody battle with her ex-husband.  This isn't someone who has been advertising their personal misery to 400 of their closest FB friends, but all the same I thought it odd.  I don't know the path they have been down over the past year and a half, but I do know that they went through the long, emotional route of IVF to have their son.  And it isn't a case where the father was abusive or anything, just they both want custody and joint custody is hard on their 4 yr old so they are both seeking full custody to resolve it.

I guess I just feel sad for the kids who have to live a life where the two people whom they are supposed to love and trust hate each other so much that there have to be extensive court battle that spans over years and published for everyone their parent ever knew to see.

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