Babies: 0 - 3 Months

"Baby crazy" people

How do you deal with them? Specifically my MIL.. from the minute she walks in the door she is in DS's face and talking constantly to him. She follows me to change his diaper, she whines if she cant give him the bottle of pumped milk I have to pump (Since she whined that me nursing when theyre around takes up too much of their visiting time). From the min she walks in the door she is grabbing for him and the you know all too well Im sure annoying whiney talk.. "oh did you make a little pooper yes a pooper thats a poop did you make a poop well I will walk to change you yes Ill go for a walk with you, yes I will and when you grow up we will walk together"... Are you f-ing kidding me? I thought it was my nerves at first after having him, but theyre not getting any better... PLEASE... what are your tips and tricks to make the baby crazy people in your family take a back seat?
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