Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Does my baby have acid reflux?

Hello Everybody!

My baby is about 7 weeks old and drinks about 4 oz of pumped breast milk per feeding (he is a HUNGRY boy). He has been really fussy especially at night, like 4-7. We talked to the pediatrician about it, and he said it seemed that he had either colic or acid reflux. He said he cannot be sure of the reflux without doing testing at the hospital but prescribed zantac.

We first tried breaking up the feedings, sleeping on an incline, and gripe water. All the above has helped.

But he is STILL fussy and spits up (not after every feeding, but a few times per day). I do not want to give him Zantac without him actually having reflux so I was wondering if some of the mommies out there could share their babies' symptoms of reflux and if they used zantac or just waited it long does zantac take to work?  

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