Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Our new baby is here!

Quinn Janelle Cole arrived on November 16th of 2011 at 6:25 am. I had my first natural birth.

 I was due on the 15th, and I went in that day at 11 am. I was having contractions, but I wasn't in labor at the time, so they sent me home. I felt pretty close to labor, so I camped out in my car. Don't worry, I was comfortable enough.

Around 1 pm, I  started getting worse. I called my sister, and she jumped into the car and took me. My other daughter Delilah was already with my parents, and when I got admitted, they could bring her over to see me.                                  When came back to the hospital, I was surely in labor. 2.5 centimeter dilated actually. I never knew there were halves when if comes to dialation. I was also 99% reader.

At 4 pm, I was 4 cm, and things were getting worse. I was able to take a warm shower, and sit in the tub for a while.

At midnight I  was 6 cm. Things were taking the long route. I was persistent, because I knew I didn't want drugs. That was also when my water broke, thank gosh! 

By 3 am, things moved faster. I was 8 cm, and 100% efaced finally. My body wanted me to push, so I did for 30 minutes.                                                      At 3:45 am, I was starting to push for real, since I was 10 cm. And finally, after 2 hours and 45 minutes of pushing, she was here.

I  had a great recovery, and was able to go home that Saturday, which was the 19th. When Delilah came after the baby was born, she adored her. I was so happy, and my sister and parents came. The next few days, my friends were stopping by to see Quinn.

We were just so happy to have her. Now she is 1 1/2 old, and I nurse and use formula, because she is prone to spitting up.

Any of you have a baby lately? If you have, we'd love to read your birth story. 

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