Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Wanted to share information on RSV

Wanted to share some information on RSV,

My LO has RSV earlier this year at 3 mos old and spent 5 days in the hospital. I learned alot about this virus and just wanted to share some things I learned and things to look out for as possible signs..

First of all, RSV is highly, highly contagious. To adult, its nothing more than a common cold, to babies it can be very serious. RSV is a very mucousy virus in the lungs and alot of times babies cannot cough up that mucous and it causes their O2 levels to drop. (this is what happened to my LO).

Signs to look for. Distressed breathing.... retraction in the lungs (if you can see their rib cage when they are inhaling). If their nostrils flare when they are breathing. If their skin turns a blothy color ( i learned that this is from a drop in the O2 levels).

Severe coughing. I cant remember if DD ran a fever or not.

When I took LO to the after hours place, she was sleeping and her O2 level was about 86. the pedi was ready to call an ambulance for her to get her to the hospital just to get some O2 in her, but she woke up and it went up to about 90, so he told us to go STRAIGHT to hospital.

There IS a test for RSV, just like the Flu.

Meds to think about.. If you are prescribed the breathing treatments, my doc will only prescibe Xoponex for babies instead of Albuterol. It has less of the side affects, such as the hyperness and rapid heartrate than Albuteral does.

I just wanted to share my experience with RSV to you all. It was note a fun one but hope this information helps some of you.

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