2nd Trimester

Early u/s-1st tri

 Hello 2nd tri ladies! I just wanted to see if any of you ladies have dealt with this and can give any positive reinforcement. Had my 1st appointment this morning.Dr. said everything looked good and my beta #'s had a great rise (1st #198; 2nd # 866 3rd # 16, 388).Except...my u/s didn't show too much. I mean, you can see that there is a "pregnancy there" (as my Dr. put it) which im sure she means a fetal pole...But no HB. She believes im a week earlier than we expected-5 weeks.So she rescheduled me for Tuesday (not a full week) to do another u/s.Anyone else have an early u/s and had to go in for another one? Did your 2nd u/s show more?I just need a little reassurance here...Even though my DH thinks im stressing over nothing...Thanks ladies. 
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