Single Parents

exH coming and going WWYD?

So exH was in DS life right after our divorce.  DS was 1, and exH came until DS was 3, then he was gone for 18 months...Fast forward to me trying to go to court for phone visitation only in case exH just decided to come back.  Well, less than 24 hours for that court date his mom got him attny and stopped all that.  Then he was back - jumping right back into visitation (10-4 e/o Saturday) since August.

DS started having problems with separation anxiety at school etc., and then again, exH hasn't come since 11/19.  I JUST get a phone call (per the PP, he has to notify me on Wed prior) that he is coming on Saturday.

It was his Thanksgiving - no visitation.  It was his Christmas Eve - nothing, not even a phone call.

Help!  I know I can't do anything legal-wise since it's his Saturday per the court order but I just need help, poor DS (4 1/2)  is going to be a MESS again.  Any ideas to help him deal with this?  Any ideas of legal action that might be able to take place?  exH does not have a license, he knows he has to have someone drive him.  exH does not have a place to live either.  He does not have a job and is way in arrears for CS also if that information helps.

I'm at my wits end with this nonsense!

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