Babies: 0 - 3 Months

putting baby down while awake at 2 months

I read that by 2 months you should be able to put the baby down while sleepy but awake. 

Our LO is 8 weeks today and she shows no signs of this working.  It only works in the morning when she is basically asleep when I put her down. 

The rest of the day, I can rock her to sleep but as soon as she touches the bed/bassinett/swing/bouncy chair - she wakes up and cries.   This afternoon, it took 4 tries to soothe her to sleep and then place her down.  The swing was the last chance and she cried a little bit (mostly whines) and was luckily distracted by the mobile so fell asleep.  However, at night - she gets overtired very quickly and even the swing wont do it. 

we do a dark room, no other noises, white noise, swaddling - etc.  We can get her to sleep, it is the transfer to the bed that doesnt seem to work.  I usually end up having to rock the bassinett or drive it around a little bit. 

I just dont understand why she cant make that final jump to sleep when she is almost asleep? It is like she is fighting to stay awake. 

Am I spoiling her? cry it out doesnt work either - this afternoon,  I put her down and let her whine a little while I vacuumed - I checked on her after 5 minutes, she was wide awake, kicking her legs (in the swaddle) 

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