Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Rice Cereal

Does anyone have any experience with using rice cereal?  My LO has been spitting up some, more often at night than anything, and our pedi told us to use some rice cereal in her bottle to help thicken her formula.  I used to exclusively BF but had some production problems so now we are BFing and FFing.  Before we started her on formula she had no problem with spitting up.  She seems to be a happy spitter so the pedi is not concerned.  She also mentioned the rice cereal could help her with STTN longer.  Right now she is only doing about 3 hours between feedings day and night, when she used to have longer intervals at night when we were BFing exclusively.  Anyone have any suggestions on whether or not I should use some rice cereal in a bottle of hers?  Maybe just at night to help with the spitting up, but also to help her sleep longer?  I was under the impression that rice cereal shouldn't be used until they are older, but I could be wrong.
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