South Florida Babies

XP: Birth story (it's long)

I posted this on my birth month board too so I'm c/p it here :) 

I am finally getting around to writing my birth story a week later! But it's been a bit hectic around here.

Last Wednesday at 37 wks 3 days I had my routine OB visit and my BP was elevated. I was 3.5cm and 80% effaced and my OB wanted me to go straight to L&D and said if my BP stayed high I would be induced that day otherwise I would be induced the next day. I got to L&D and they're super busy, I'm on the monitor but it's not in the right place and not picking up my contractions, my BP had come back down, it was still a bit on the high side but now at high as at the office. They sent me down for a BPP which came back perfect and I went back to L&D triage, where I just sat in a chair for at least half an hour, no monitors, no BP cuff nothing. Luckily, my OB came by at that point to check on me. I told her I was having contractions and she felt my uterus and sure enough could feel how hard it was. By her watch they were every 2 minutes. She was getting annoyed that no one was paying attention  to me and there were no beds. She said when she checked me in the office she noticed some blood and didn't think it was from the exam and thought I may be in labor and wanted to check me again. Still no beds and the traige nurse said she couldn't take me into recovery like my OB wanted to do. My OB said she would be right back and came back 2 minutes later and told me to follow her, she had gotten me admitted and into a room because she was so convinced I was in labor.

I get in the bed and she checks me and I'm 4.5cm and 90% effaced and there was definitely bloody show so I am in labor. I would never have guessed I was because the contractions were the same ones I was having for weeks. This was 2PM, they gave me an IV and started penicillin because I'm GBS+. I asked for an epi because I had a feeling my labor would be fast based on my last one. An hour later they came and gave me the epi, which took almost an hour because they had to do it twice because I got super light headed the first time they placed it. At 5PM they started pitocin, but very low dose I was still at 4.5 at that point. At 5:30 my OB came in and broke my water and I was at 6cm and baby was at 0 station. The second she broke my water I got a really bad contraction and felt it. And was feeling every one after that, they were about 1 minute part and PAINFUL! I didn't know why I was feeling them but it was the worst pain I had ever had and I wanted it to go away. They called the anesthesia people again who came and and injected extra meds into the IV. My OB came by also to check me again, this was 6PM, half an hour after my water was broken. I was complete and baby was crowning, so they quickly got ready for delivery and I pushed for 5 minutes through 2 contractions and Brooke was born at 6:15. I only have a 1st degree tear. She weighed 5lbs 10oz and was 18" long.

We don't have the same blood type which puts her at higher risk for jaundice which she had. They gave us a bili blanket the first night but her levels increased in the morning so they had to take her to the nursery to be put under the lights. That sucked not having her with us but it was necessary and also gave me some time to recover. The next morning I was being discharged but she had to stay until that night. We brought her home with instructions to go back to the Dr the next morning. Her levels had jumped up the next morning and we were admitted to the childrens' hospital. This was Dec 24th. We had a private room which was great because we could stay with her and do everything for her. It wasn't bad at all except that it was Christmas and we had our older daughter at home. My mom and MIL stayed the first night at the hospital so DH and I could be home and do Santa and be with DD#1 Xmas morning. Night #2 in the hospital we stayed and were discharges the next afternoon Dec 26th. Went to the Dr this morning and the levels have stabilized so I think we're out of the woods now.

It's been a crazy week but I'm so glad to have my little peanut home with us now!!!! 

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