Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Daycare not familiar with frozen BM?!

Apparently my LO will be the only one in our infant room that is not on formula. The 2 infant daycare workers didn't seem too familiar with the procedures for handling BM, defrosting it, etc.  They also said that their procedures require them to throw away any previously eaten food (formula or human milk) that has been fed to LO but not finished.  This poses a problem for me and how to plan his portions for DC, especially since I dont know yet exactly how much he will be eating.  His 1 bottle per day has usually been between 3 and 4 oz but this week he had 6 oz, three separate times! 

If you bring BM to your DC, how do you do it?  Do you bring it frozen, with enough for several days, or do you bring enough frozen BM just for that day, with the understanding that it will defrost throughout the day and they will use it up?  With BM being liquid gold it kills me to have them waste it like that!

~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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