Babies: 0 - 3 Months

At my wit's end...

Our lO is almost 11 weeks and we STILL have not found  a formula that works with his system.  He has been on everything Simulac has (Sensitive, Regular, Soy) and has had major gas problems.  We tried Gerber Good Start and he did great for about a week then spit up during and after every bottle to the point where he and us were getting drenched despite us thickening his bottles.  He has reflux so that definitely doesnt help matters but I feel like we are never going to find anything that works for him that doesnt have some sort of side effect. 

 I am waiting for his pedi to call me back so I can ask about alimentum.  I remember when we tried the Nutrimigen it gave him really watery stools.  

Thanks for letting me vent!

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