Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Lots of spit up..please help!!!

So I fed DD a bottle this morning, and after an ounce I stopped to burp her. not only did she burp, but she spit up most of the milk i just fed her. I waited a while and gave her the rest of the bottle, holding her upright, and after 2 more ounces i stopped and went to burp again, she spit up an enormous amount. i stopped the feeding and held her for a while, when she fell asleep, i laid her down. a few minutes later she spit up again a huge amount. DD is 5 weeks now, and at 2weeks she was spitting up, but it was very minimal amount. this started a few days ago. she doesnt cry, and doesnt fuss at the bottle, and we are giving her enfamil premium infant formula. I dont know what else to do for her. I asked doctor at 2 weeks if it was ok, she told me not to worry, but i feel that if shes spitting up so much, and immediately after a feeding, even during, that shes not getting the nutrition she needs. what can i do?? and should i get a second opinion, or request that she has some tests run?? FTM and I am panicking. 

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