Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Transitioning to crib (hopefully)

DS is sleeping well through the night (about 10 hours, waking up once to eat!). The problem is... he is in our bed! I would love to transition him to his crib or PnP, but I'm unsure how to do so. I've tried waiting until he's in a deep sleep then moving him, but he wakes immediately. I've tried swaddling, shushing, and a pacifier, as well as leaving him alone on a sheet we slept with both with no success. We don't have a mobile because I thought the small parts could fall off or it could fall on him (overprotective mom alert!), but I would now be open to trying it if anyone's had success. We have used white noise as well, but it doesn't seem to work. Has anyone had success with the light-up seahorse I know that every baby is different, but I would love to hear what worked for your clingy-sleeper!

I just had an awful vision of DS being 15 and still sleeping with us ;)

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