Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Clingy Sleeper

My little one won't seem to sleep on her own. By this I mean she can sleep for hours if she's being held, but if I put her in her bassinette, pack-n-play, or crib she won't sleep more than about 45 minutes. Ive tried proping her on her side with rolled up rec. blankets and laying her on her back as reccommended, but haven't seen much difference. She does alright in her vibrating chair once in a while, but that doesn't always go smoothly either. I've tried the swing as well, and that is the worst of them all.

What can I work on to help my little one sleep longer on her own? I keep falling asleep on the couch holding her and feel like the worst mother when I wake up in the morning realizing what happened...but it's pretty much the only way we've been making it through the night. Please help so I can help my baby to sleep SAFELY.

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