2nd Trimester

Nag Nag Nag!!!!

I could really use some advice on this.

I live in an apartment on the 2nd floor with my husband & our two children.
We need to climb the stairs to get to our apartment.

3 things that I am bringing up.

My husband NEVER takes out the trash without me nagging at him. 
I HATE nagging at him & have tried not to, but the result is the same. 
The trash is still under the sink. 
Now, I'm pregnant & the garbage is on the complete opposite side of the building which means me carrying the recycle & bag down the 2 flights of stairs, unlocking the garage door, & walking to the complete opposite side to empty the garbage. All while my two girls are doing what??? Staying in the apartment or coming with me? Yeah...not gonna work.

He also never brings anything upstairs from our car. I can't carry the baby, my purse whatever groceries that are perishable & hold my daughter's hand & walk up the stairs. So now our car is super cluttered & I hate the clutter! It's filled with toys & fishy crackers & sippy cups! Again, I have to nag. This is my car! His car is disgustingly messy too!!!(Which I could care less about because I never get in it!!)

We also have two cats & their litter box is in his bathroom. I like to have it cleaned out every other day & he never does it without being nagged. (I have even told him we will get rid of the cats, which I don't want to do because our cats are great with the kids & my oldest loves them.) It was so bad the other day that I dumped the whole thing myself & he got mad at me!! 

I have talked to my mom about this situation & she didn't know what to tell me...
I then decided to tell his dad & his dad told me to do it!! Which, pissed me off!! On top of all the other stuff I do at home, Chef, Nurse, Teacher, Maid, Personal Dresser, etc. I Have to do my husband's jobs too???
(He is the type of man who thinks just because you are a SAHM, means you have to do EVERYTHING! & that once the Man gets home from work, his day is over & he can do whatever he wants to do.)
His mom has allowed this kind of thing for 22 years so I know where he got it from. 
(BTW, I have only brought parents in this because I've been with him for 3 years & this has been going on the entire time.)

What should I do? Keep nagging or what? I can't keep dealing with the disgusting smell of the litter box or the overflowing garbage or having a messy car!! 

FYI, Exclamation Marks are my friends!!!! lol 

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