Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Crying while eating?

My 1 month old baby boy will sometimes cry while eating- he is formula fed, and he will fuss when he's hungry, then he will eat for a minute, then start to cry and get upset and stop eating. He then continues to cry harder- sometimes he'll have a burp, but that doesn't seem to affect it. Then when you re-offer him the bottle, he will grab on like he's starving, but again only take a few sucks and then cry again. I can't tell if he's not getting the formula fast enough and that's why he's upset, or if it's gas, or what--so frustrating!! 

It's not every feeding, so I can't pinpoint exactly what the problem is. I have used gas drops when he seems gassy, so maybe I'll try them after every feeding for day or two and see if there's any difference. The only other idea I can think of is that it does seem like he does this more often when he has been awake for awhile and is maybe over-tired? I don't know if that makes sense. Anyone have a similar experience, or ideas?? TIA!  

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