Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Putting Baby to Bed

Ugh!  It shouldn't take this long?  Should it?

DD has never been quick to fall asleep, and it's getting rough!  We were just traveling for the holidays, and DD fell asleep fairly quickly once we got her in her PnP, but that was always about 2 in the morning after falling asleep in her carseat.  

Now when I put her down at her bedtime (7:00 after she bumped it up from 8:00 a few weeks ago) it sometimes takes up to an hour or more for her to fall asleep and stay asleep when I put her in her crib, then sometimes she wakes up 30 mins. later and I have to do it again! - another 1 hr+ to get her to sleep again.  Once she's finally really truly asleep she does great!  She sleeps for at least 8 hrs. if not longer, but it's trying to get her down that's a bear!

We have a pretty regular routine, I swaddle her tightly, she has a sound machine!  What else do I do?  I really can't control her naps during the day since I'm back to work and she's at daycare.  I feel so bad for her because she seems so tired, and sometimes her eyes will close and then pop open and she'll cry!  I just want to help her get to sleep more quickly.  It still feels too early to do any sleep training too.

Any ideas?  Anyone else's LO do this? 

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