Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Pedi recommended ferber method at 2 month appointment?

Edit- I know there have been a ton of posts about this-  just curious if I should find a new pediatrician--- 


No Flames!!!  I will NOT BE DOING THIS!  I am still nursing him to sleep...

The pediatrician we see is very well respected in our community and it is who everyone we know takes their children to.  At DS two month appointment, the pedi recommended that we start sleep training him.  His advice was to put him in his crib at bedtime, and let him cry for two minutes, then go check on him.  He said not to pick him up, just let him know we are there.  Then he said to do it every 4,6,8...etc minutes.  He has several children and said he has done this with all of them.  Isn't this the same as CIO?  He said that our DS was not too young for this.  Is anyone else doing this?  Should we find a new pedi?  Please Help!  TIA!

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