2nd Trimester

Need advice.......Please?

Hi Ladies,

So this evening Dh, LO, and I had made plans to go to a family gathering. Dh's mom comes from a family of 13. Half of the family lives in Canada and is down for a few days. Anyhow, they made arrangements that everyone get together at the local community center. There will be about 40 people or so.

(Just to give you the background) Dh was supposed to be home at 330 but worked late and just got in now. We are temporarily staying at my parents house until our condo is ready which is Thursday. Yet, my parents have a non-functioning bathroom because they have a mold issue. So needless to say we don't go near it. We have to leave the house to shower right now. We go to my aunt's around the corner.

I am concerned  for one LO goes to sleep at 7:30. With the holiday the past 3 nights he has been up late. We still have to leave the house with LO to go shower and it is already 6pm. The party started at 530. With all of us getting ready and heading to the party, we could only stay for 20 minutes. It doesn't seem worth the rushing around to then run in and run out.

My other concern is the amount of people. Since there is about 40 or so people going, I am concerned about someone being sick and I do not want to get sick. Or, have LO get sick! 

Is it ok to if Dh goes to represent us?? Need your thoughts?

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