2nd Trimester

How do you not snap at the comments?

We revealed the baby's sex on Christmas to our parents and my daughter and they were all really excited (especially my daughter). After that we called some of the other family to thank them for the gifts and let them know about the baby being a girl.

A couple of people joked around about "Well I guess that means you get to try again for a boy!" Those comments don't bother me, especially since they were said after things like "Congratulations!" or "How wonderful!" or just positive comments. Well... Then we called his grandmother.

"Oh. It's a girl? I bet (DH) is pretty disappointed" and the tone she used would be similar to the tone you would use when conveying your condolences for a deceased relative. I was so mad! Who says crap like that? I just told her that No, my husband isn't disappointed because he wants his daughter just as much as he wanted a son. Then I told her I had to pee and handed the phone back to my husband.

Between that and comments about my size I am just so sick of people saying insensitive and hurtful crap. This weekend started out pretty tragically for my family and while we were all dealing with what happened I was broadsided with things like "Oh, you're having twins, right?" and then "How far along are you now? 6 months?!?! Holy cow! That's what I looked like at 9 months!" As politely as I could I stated that first of all, second time moms tend to get bigger faster and that at 24 weeks I have only gained 10 pounds so all that mattered was that me and baby girl were healthy.

What can I say to these people because it's always the same ones and I'm quickly running out of nice. I know they're all excited and they all mean well but it's ridiculous when I dread going around them because it's always about how I'm the size of a barn and wow I'm huge and now how my husband just HAS to be disappointed my kid doesn't have a penis. 

WDE!!! Pictures, Images and Photos Auburn Pictures, Images and Photos Lilypie First Birthday tickers
DD1- 12/26/05 DD2- 4/12/12
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