2nd Trimester

Boy Names

I guess I should put this in the name poll.. but I just love this group! haha.. My husband and I are just completely torn on names.  We both love the name Kason.  But just found out some friends of ours (not real close.. just the same age pretty much) are using that for their name.. they don't live in the same town as us either... so im thinking it would be ok.  Anyway... My husband LOVES the name Cash Michael. (dh middle name is Michael)  He thinks it's a great cowboy name.. which my husband is very cowboy!  but I just can't decide.  I think its very different and I do love that about it.. but what do others think when you hear it?  my entire family is on board with my husband.. they love the name.. including my grandmother which is SHOCKING.. but just curious what others opinions are....
C.C. BabyFetus Ticker
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