Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Please help me shift my baby's sleeping :(

I know that she is still very young (not yet 7 weeks), but there's gotta be SOMETHING I can be doing to help this along.  I can't get the kid to stay asleep until 12-1 am.  In fact, I often can't even get her to stay asleep for naps.  Lately she has been awake from like 2 pm until midnight with a few 15-20 min catnaps when I hold/nurse/rock her to sleep & she's up almost as soon as I put her down.

When she finally falls asleep (anywhere between 11:30 pm & 1 am), she'll wake at 3-4 am to eat, usually go back to sleep fairly quickly (sometimes it can take 30-40 minutes after she eats, though), wakes again when my toddler when my toddler gets up & comes in our room around 7 am.  If she wakes 3 am or earlier to eat, she usually wakes again around 5 to eat again, then back to sleep till 7-7:30 am.  An hour later, she's already dying to go to sleep and sometimes already overtired.  I spend 1-2 hours trying to get her to stay asleep, and by 10 am she's asleep & has been sleeping straight through until 2 pm.  Then, she's up for the rest of the day until midnight, despite my best efforts.

She's having a few good stretches of sleep, but they're all messed up time-wise, as if she still has days/nights partly mixed up.  It's all well & good to hold your baby through naps & sleep while she sleeps, but I have a 3 year old and not only am I getting NO sleep (because I can't sleep during the day), but my toddler is spending hours trying to self-entertain because it takes me so long to get the baby to stay asleep, and come 3 pm or so, the baby is screaming unless I'm holding her or shes on my boob.  Evening is particularly miserable, especially every 4 days when DH works a 24 hour shift & I have to make dinner for the toddler while holding a screaming baby, then get her ready & put her to bed without putting the baby down, then when she's finally asleep, I start the 4-hour process of getting the baby to sleep.

 I realize a schedule at this point with a BF baby is not realistic, but there's gotta be a way to shift her sleep chunks so they are more at night.  I could rough it out if I didn't have a 3 year old, but I am completely drained and have been hanging on my last nerve for weeks.  Millions of moms do this with more than one child to take care of, but for the life of me I can't figure out how!  I wish I could nap her in the swing, but she screamed every single time we put her in it, so we already put it back in the attic :(

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