Babies: 0 - 3 Months

No Flames Please.

Do you ladies think 5mins to cry for a baby before going in and consoling your LO for a nap is too long?

I am trying to help my LO sleep longer without me holding her throughout her naps all day....since I will probably end up with a UTI soon, but 5mins-30mins she will wake up from her nap and see that Im not holding her and cry. I have waited 2-5mins before going in and shushing and patting her back to sleep. Is 5mins too long in your opinion? 

BTW... I never let her "cry it out" not a fan of that, but I do wait to console her anywhere from 2-5 mins and sometimes she just falls back asleep before I go in. In your opinion is 5mins too long?

photo b5880bbf-17e0-491c-8d1e-181ee8707670_zps6b0bf0b5.jpg Lilypie First Birthday tickers
My BFP Chart
Aug 19, 2010 ParaGuard IUD Removed
Sept 7, 2010 Dx w/Hypothyroidism (TSH 6.7) Began taking Levothyroxine
Feb 15, 2010 BFP with #1
Nov 1, 2011 DD1 Born
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