Single Parents

Christmas Surprise!

Our first Christmas as a little family was lovely. Church in the morning. Then mom cooked brunch at home while I opened DD's presents for her. Later in the afternoon family came over for dinner. Throughout the festivities I didn't have time to check my email. Later my phone rang and it was a number I didn't recognize so of course I didn't answer in hopes that they'd leave a voicemail. They didn't. They texted instead. It was LOSERDAD!!! He said that even though the results from the paternity test hadn't been received yet, he wanted to know if he could stop by and see E. 

Talk about shaking! I couldn't believe it. He hadn't seen her since she was 2 days old. Never asked about her or anything. So i told him that my whole family was there but he was more than welcomed to come over and see her. I thought was was going to say "i'll wait until your family is gone" because every other time I offered a visit he said he didn't feel comfortable with my family. But nope, he said, I'll be there in 15mins.

15minutes turned into 30 but he showed up (in his new truck). Must be nice to have a new truck while I'm struggling trying to figure out how to buy formula sometimes. But I digress.

It was very awkward. But he talked to her, held her, and commented on how much she's changed. He asked a few questions about her (he noticed her dry skin) and asked how she's sleeping and everything. He didn't stay long but it still shocked me that he came at all. After he left he texted to say how good it was to see Eden (he's never used her name, always referred to her as "the child".)

So...being the narcissistic manipulative bastard that he is, I'm questioning his intentions. I know it shouldn't matter because the point is, that he saw her. But we go to court in exactly 2 weeks, so i'm wondering if his sudden change of heart has anything to do with our impending hearing. 

Thoughts? Should I stop being so pessimistic? I just can't trust this guy.

Oh and small vent: He showed up EMPTY HANDED on CHRISTMAS! I mean, even if he didn't know what size clothes she wore, or what kind of milk she drank, you could have at least gotten a stuffed animal or SOMETHING!   

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