Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If grandparents will be the daycare...

So, maternity leave is almost over and I'm so sad to go back to work.  I'm relieved that my mom (and sometimes MIL) will be the ones who keep LO and I don't have to take him to daycare.  However, I am a little worried just because they're getting older.  My mom complains about her shoulder always hurting and other aches and pains.  My MIL has had 2 hips replaced and rotator cuff surgery.  Now, she has something wrong with her ankle.  I'm just worried, can they do it?  I'm in good shape and my arm and back are always hurting now from carrying around the baby.  I don't want them to fall or drop the baby, etc.... Not to mention their driving.... Are any of you worried about this?  I guess I would be worried no matter who was watching the baby just because they're not me. 
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