Babies: 0 - 3 Months

For those of you that have gone back to work...

I am scheduled to go back to work on Jan 2nd and so not looking forward to it.

At this point, LO only sleeps for 2.5 to 3 hours at a time at night.  I am starting to wonder HOW in the world I am going to manage working full time along with everything else that has come with my "new" job as a Mom.

My husband also works full time, generally 10 to 12 hours a day so asking him to get up at night just doesnt seem right.

How do you all do it?  Between the lack of sleep, full time paying job, fulltime house work, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, and baby time...I dont think there are enough hours in the day!!!

Do you have a routine that seems to work?  Any advice or tips?

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