Babies: 0 - 3 Months

anyone else feel overwhelmed by bf'ing?

my dd is 4 days old and I feel so worn out by bf'ing....i feel so much pressure being her only food source and i guess the lack of sleep.... i pumped w/my first dd but i honestly don't remember it being this hard. i'm sure it's normal but she eats almost every hour....sometimes she will sleep a 2 or 3 hour stretch but she seems to eat more at night. she was up from 12am-3am and ate 5 times with 4 diaper changes.

how often do you nurse? does it vary during the day or night?

do your nipples still hurt? does it hurt for the first 10 seconds when your dc latches? mine are raw but not bleeding. triple nipple cream and breast shells have been lifesavers. i know the hormones are playing a big part but the pressure is making me feel like crying every night. can anyone commiserate? does it really get better at 6 weeks?


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