Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Pain after c-section urgent input needed (TMI sry)

Hey ladies- Merry Christmas! Wish I could say mine was going well so far but it's not. I had a c/s about 4 weeks ago. During the middle of the night tonight I wake and find that I have severe pain in my upper belly region (right below my breasts). I remembered the midwife in my OBs office said that this could be me needing to poop.... but this was so much worse than what I have had in the past! My belly region was pretty hard and the pain extended into my breasts. I strained to poop for over an hour (taking breaks) and ended up throwing up once. I even had to get into the shower for some comfort and tried pushing in there as well.... the only thing that painful I've experienced is labor. My question is has anyone had this before and if so did you have to go the ER or did it go away on its own. It seems to be subsiding a bit (there is no way I could have typed this 10 mins ago)..... thanks for any input you have.
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